I would describe myself as hard working and my style as creative, not afraid to use colour boldly with the use of collage, which I have fused through out my work. I have come on a great journey working in many areas, learning skills in textiles, ceramics, 3D, fine art and life drawing. When working within ceramics all my skills are combined together and I feel at my most creative.
I have included images from a ceramic project called “The Key to Unlocking Memories.” This project was a turning point for me when I realised that 3D materials and processes is where I express myself best. I have explored many different 3D materials such as wood, metal, glass, collage, plastics and currently paper clay is my favourite.
Another strength I have gained from my course is studying the nude, which I think is a great challenge to myself and all artists. Studying the nude has improved my ability to create accurate observational drawings where I have concentrated on proportion, form and scale. Through out these drawings I have embarked on many different media’s looking at line and tonal qualities. I have also taken this into a 3D project where I produced a mask based on my own facial expressions where I experimented with raku and stoneware glazes.
I was fortunate enough to embark on an educational trip to Barcelona in 2008; this experience was unforgettable and breath taking.
Antoni Gaudi’s, Temple de la Sagrada Familia was immense, the scale was unbelievable. The architecture of this building fascinated me, the use of the detailed organic forms enhanced with the finest coloured mosaic work. I admired not only his work but also his persistence and conviction.
I am very much interested in organic forms; I am currently working on a project based on tree roots which I have used paper clay. If I had the opportunity to develop my ideas further I would produce life size pieces.
I feel it is now important to challenge myself on a degree course which will enable me to explore different materials and processes to a professional standard.